Birthing With Ease

Early in my first of four pregnancies, I realized that society tends not to champion pregnant women preparing for birth.  It is common to hear how traumatic birth will be instead of what a beautiful experience it can be.

There was always someone who wanted to share their birth horror story as I stood vulnerable and pregnant.  It was as if they subconsciously were saying their experience was sure to be my experience.  I couldn’t wrap my head around how this could be normal.

I never bought into it.

Why aren’t women who have gone before me uplifting me, conveying power and appreciation for our bodies?  Could it be because the trauma of birth has been passed down to them for generations?

I chose my story, I chose my birthing experience.

Drawing on my innate abilities, I claimed my power to connect my mind, body, and spirit with my baby. Together we created a birth of ease

Does Giving Birth Scare You?

The scare factor didn’t go away after my first birth. If I’m honest I may have been the most anxious during my fourth pregnancy.  What moved me beyond was how I handled that fear.

I was able to identify stored emotions in my subconscious, transmute energy that did not serve me, and shift negative patterns that society and generations before me have unconsciously passed on to create a birth of ease.

I had incredible birth experiences every single time.

This is what I share with you in Birthing With Ease

I attribute my successful births to my commitment to my self-development.

In my experience the most important and possibly the most overlooked component in successful births is having a deep connection to the soul of your baby while in your womb. Having this connection to your baby allows you to work in unison while laboring easing the transition from your womb into your arms.

Birthing With Ease Offering

1:1 Sessions

Five live private sessions over a six-week period.  Each session is concluded with guided breathwork.

Voxer Support

One day per week of communication with me to work through anything that surfaces or you need extra support around between our 1:1 sessions.

Breathwork Recording

Personalized downloadable breathwork recording for you to use as often as you like

$888 or 3 x $296