Raise the Frequency in Your Home

“If you want to change the world go home and love your family”

It is my desire to be a guiding catalyst for you and all mothers in raising the vibration within your home, anchoring into a new paradigm of conscious parenting by focusing on your continued growth and evolution.

How I Can Help

Coaching and mentoring support to gain clarity, shift energetics, and stabilize your nervous system in order to live a life that aligns with your desires.

Elevate Your Life

Women’s bodies are magical. I will guide you in harnessing that magic to connect with your baby, creating a birth of efficiency and ease.

Birthing with Ease

The Sacred Postpartum

This is a time to honor your body, honor your baby, and relish in the unfolding of a new way of life. Slow down, embracing your connection to mind, body, spirit, and your baby.

Working with Hani to harness the power of breath and meditation was one of the greatest gifts I could have asked for during my pregnancy. Through her Birthing With Ease program, I was able to connect with my baby on a deep and profound level well before his due date. Hani’s voice and personalized meditations are so tuned into the spirituality and magic of motherhood. I was so fortunate to replay some of the meditation and breath work recordings during labor, to really connect with my body and baby for a deeply spiritual experience. I couldn’t recommend this personalized experience enough to any and all pregnant women—it will change the way you view birth, the way you connect with your body and the way you connect with your baby.”

~ Emily Abbott