I am Hani Caiserman, born and raised in Hawaii and living in Lahaina, Maui. I am a Certified Life Coach passionate about working with mothers who desire to evolve into better versions of themselves, leading their family with feminine ease to create homes that function optimally and a life that feels really fu*king good.

In conjunction, I facilitate Breathwork, specializing in transmuting generational ancestral and societal patterns, stabilizing your nervous system, as well as energetic healing for expedited results.

About Me

Family & Philosophy

I am the mother of four amazing children, and I’ve been with my husband for over 20 years. We have intentionally created a life of great fulfillment and joy while navigating many challenges within our home, our relationship with each other, and our children, all the while building a business and a family unit that is supportive, loving, kind, and open.

As a wife and mother of four, I not only want to show up as the very best version of myself, but I want to show my children what is available, that we have the capacity to live a life that lights us up full of possibility, have meaningful relationships that push us to grow and evolve, all while inspiring others to do the same.

Through this, I ignited my soul purpose, which is to empower women to create higher vibrational aligned homes. As I continue my journey through motherhood and marriage, I realize that so much of the innate way I move in my home is not the “norm”. My driving force is the impact we have on our children, and how our evolution can shift energy in our homes.

I believe with intentional space and support, mothers have the opportunity to lead their family with feminine ease and flow, to create stability, love, and happiness in turn giving our children homes where they can grow without boundaries and limits. I am here to shift the mother, wife, and parenting paradigm.

“My driving force is the impact we have on our children, and how our evolution can shift energy in our homes.”

How I can help.

Elevate Your Life

Gain clarity and live a life in alignment with what you desire. Shift energetics in the body to stabilize your nervous system, combined with coaching and mentoring support to shift patterns in the mind.

Birthing with Ease

Women’s bodies are quite literally magical. I will guide you in harnessing the power of your mind to connect with the power of your body, connecting with your baby to work in unison and create a birth of efficiency ease, and power.

The Sacred Postpartum

This is a time to honor your body, honor your baby and relish in the unfolding of a new way of life. Slowing down, embracing your connection to mind, body, spirit, and your beautiful baby as a new chapter of life unfolds.